December 2010 Newsletter




Welcome to your December Newsletter. 

This month it’s all about realising that 2011 is less than 5 weeks away. 

Remember the hype about Y2K and all the promises and resolutions we made? What have you achieved over the last decade? If you feel the answer is could be more, then read this and take action. 

Remember it is all about momentum not motivation. You need to take action, all change starts with you. 

Feel free to forward this to anyone you feel will benefit from reading it.

Seasons greetings from MindStore Australia

Seasons greetings from MindStore Australia

Have yourself a wonderful Christmas and an     Extraordinary New Year! 

Damian and the MindStore Australia team 



Does the thought of the start of a new decade fill you with positive anticipation looking forward, or with anxiety as to what 2011 will bring for you and your business?

If you are not looking forward then you need to take action and put Goals in place. Now is always the best time to take action, set time aside to think. Think of inspiring goals to provide you with direction in your business for 2011. 

The key principles for success with Goals are: 

ü Write your goals down– only 4% of people do this, the successful ones. Be one of them. 

ü THINK BIG! – No one leaps out of bed enthusiastically in the morning with a passion for goals that are “realistic & achievable” 

ü Be less concerned about the HOW of your goals in the beginning. 

ü Be more concerned about the WHY, why you want to achieve your goals. A powerful emotional connection to your goal is vital. 

ü Constantly go “Back to your Future” – Get the power of GESTALT working for you by repeatedly  thinking of and “seeing  in your mind’s eye” the outcome you DESIRE. An idea held firmly in your conscious mind will receive the attention of your subconscious mind, which will then manifest in your life. Repetition is the KEY. 

ü The Right Attitude – to succeed with your goals you need positive control of your DESIRE, BELIEF and EXPECTATION. 

Take Action today: 

Print this newsletter off and put it in a noticeable place in your home or office.  

Set aside 30 minutes to focus on this task, take time out for yourself in your day. At that time, get a blank piece of paper and think up and write down 30 inspiring goals for the next three years, then narrow it down to 7 for this year 2011. Once you have these, then keep these written goals in your wallet or purse and look at them every day and imagine in your “minds eye” having achieved the goals. What will it look like, feel like, smell like, what emotions will you be experiencing. 



Your feedback and comments:  

As MindStore continues to grow and develop in Australia, we are always looking for your feedback and comments from our current newsletter members on ways to improve. If you have an idea you would like to share, or a comment about how we could make MindStore more accessible to more people then please let us know. 

MindStore has the solutions for your business.  

Contact us today to arrange a meeting. 

MindStore is available throughout Australia from its base in South East Queensland to deliver customised in–house corporate training sessions and business improvement courses co-designed with your organisation. 

At our meeting we take the time to find out about the key pain issues and main dangers facing your business as well as the opportunities you see for your business. We then offer customised solutions to solve your business challenges, as well as a no obligation report of our findings with solutions and benefits detailed for you. 

MindStore’s complete mental tool kit gives you the best techniques for: managing stress, maintaining a positive mental attitude and influencing all those around you. You’ll also learn to apply Whole Brain thinking for improved creativity and problem solving. Modelling your business’s behaviour on the winning approaches of world champions and leading entrepreneurs empowers your organisation to gain competitive advantage through innovation and enhanced performance. 

For more information visit