Goal Setting and Achieving workshop part three from MindStore

Stick to your goals ...be like a postage stamp!



Welcome to Day three of the process.

I trust you enjoyed working through parts 1 and 2.

Really enjoy today it’s a time for you to play with your imagination. The part of brain that most adults don’t get a chance to play with often enough.

We live in a left brain dominant world, focused on logical, reasoning, analytical thinking.When it comes to this more imaginative, creative, intuitive right brained thinking like this process most people think “Oh! wait a minute”  You see the left brain limits our imagination and goal setting capability.

left right brain

This left brain thinking is backed up by those who say you should set goals based on your current reality and your past experiences or  that you need to have a plan first and know how you get there. Hopefully you can begin to see that this type of left brain thinking will limit the size of the goals you set and achieve.

Yet the extraordinary men and women, in beginning couldn’t possibly set a plan because their goals were so huge and impossible. Take Mandela , 27 yrs in a cell and all the time he had a goal, a vision of being President and freeing his nation from the way it was set up.  That type of thinking, of what you truly truly want is one aspect of Extraordinary Goal Setting.

If you are new to Mindstore and our tools and techniques then you can trust us. MindStore has been helping people set and achieve extraordinary goals for 25 years over 500,000 people around the world  have participated in our sessions mainly via in house programs with their company or to ales extent at public open programs. Trust that if this didn’t work we would have been found out a long time ago.

Open your mind to this if it’s new to you, trust yourself. This works.

You will remember that I asked you at the beginning of the workshop to trust the process. Again today I ask the same. This is the time to use your imagination and to write down WHAT you really really want and desire to do be or have. Do not worry about HOW you are going to get there.

If your Goals are compelling and inspiring enough you will have the desire to constantly use your imagination to go back again and again to look at them in your mind, to visualise your goals being achieved. That process and commitment of visualisation of the goals, is what will cause you to absolutely achieve them.

What every you need to do you will do, as time goes by, yes you begin to make a plan, yes you get more clarity, yes you will understand the next step, but this is NOT IMPORTANT in the beginning. I need you to believe this critical part.

It’s not up to you in the beginning  to figure out how to get there, this will come through your imagination. You will begin to attract opportunities, circumstances and people to you helping you towards your goals because you have put energy into thinking what you want to do be or have.

The amazingly funny Jim Carrey revealed on a chat show recently, that when he was a struggling actor in his imagination he would visualise a future where he dared to imagine that big billboards had his name and image on it. He even wrote himself a cheque for a huge amount of money and put it away. A year later he was all over the billboards with movies he starred in! and the cheque he received was for far more than he dared to write down previously. This stuff works!

Lets get started……….

This process takes 11 minutes.  This is always a hugely powerful part of our Personal Development training days for participants. You are going to think of and write down 30 (or more) Goals that you want to do, be or have.

Go for walk or cycle to help you get relaxed, self focused and ready. Find somewhere private to sit, get your phone out and set the stop watch for 11 minutes.

Hit start and begin writing, in your note pad or piece of paper. All the usual stuff will come quickly:

  • the salary increase you want
  • the car you want to drive
  • the dream place to live
  • the dream holiday you want to go on
  • the ideal house you want to live in

Trust me I have done all this and it absolutely works.

Often what happens is say after 6 minutes have passed you feel you have run out of ideas. Then go back to wheel look and see areas that need attention more goals will come from this, write them down.

Maybe now there are just 5 minutes to go, imagine that I was to turn up and you show me your list. I am not interested in HOW you are going to get there or the logic of them. So I say I will give you in cash now $10million if you have 30 goals written down by the time your 11 minutes are up.

I know and you know what you would do to get the money. You would make them up to make sure you got the money. Read this again. You would make them up! Using your imagination. You would get into a flow of ideas and start writing down the goals you made up.

Don’t listen to the voice in your head saying “how are you going to get that?” “that’s impossible” “how is that realistic?” “don’t be ridiculous”

What we have found is that over the years people who do this and use the techniques achieve their goals regardless of how out there and impossible your left brain and inner voice or unsupportive friends might tell you is impossible.

Whatever comes to your consciousness write it down. People often comment to me “what I wrote out was utterly impossible back then”

Like Jim Carrey some seemed totally and utterly impossible but what happens by committing to this process, writing out 30 goals is that they got all their goals.

Have fun doing this if you get 30 Goals after 8 minutes, keep going, push on. Maybe you will get 40 or 50 goals.

Then leave them in your subconsciousness overnight. Think about them, dream about them, maybe look on internet to see what the goals look like that inspire you.

If you are new to this and I hope some of you are and not only MindStore members. I believe it’s important to share this, why keep it to ourselves? its not a secret?

The truth is all of us deserve to live the life of our dreams.

To enable us to have the life we truly desire.

If you could live the life of your dreams how would it be?

 “Dare to Dream” as Whoopi Goldberg said in her final inspiring message to the audience when she hosted the Oscar ceremony.

dare to dream 

Once you have completed your list, put it and enjoy the rest of your day. Ready for our extraordinary last day tomorrow.

Thanks for taking part and trusting the process.

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