Positive Self Talk

WELCOME Hi there, April is here so lets decide to be Awesome. Lets decide to change our thinking and in particular the inner conversations that we have with ourselves.   Welcome to our just published update. In this update How negative self talk impacts our day An exercise to use to develop positive self talk The Mentoring program details Enjoy taking …

Your thoughts and Self Talk determine how you overcome challenges

As you may remember our last update focused as many people do on Goals to kick off 2015. As we go through February lets learn some tips to stay positive and focused on our goals. Thank you for making the time to read this, and I encourage you to look into our mental tools for improving performance for you personally and …

April 2012 Newsletter

Welcome Following on from last months newsletter which was all about mental fitness in surfing, this month we look at the 2012 London Olympic preparations and how we can all learn from Olympic Champions.  We know they have a range of coaches for physical and mental elements of their preperation. The mental coaches share with them tools for mental resilience, unquestioning …

March 2012 Newsletter

Welcome Welcome to all our new newsletter members. I was priviliged to meet a number of positive, inspiring people at the February Gold Coast Combined Chamber of Commerce and Logan Chamber of Commerce events. Following on from last months newsletter which was all about getting fit, this month we focus on mental fitness in surfing and how it relates to …

February 2012 Newsletter

MindStore Australia February Newsletter – How to Achieve more with MindStore, Fit Mind Fit Body, Achieve your goal of losing weight and getting fit for 2012 using MindStores tools and techniques.

January 2012 Newsletter

Here’s to a Fantastic 2012! Learn about how critical it is to make time in our busy lives to dream, to use our whole brain for greater access to innovation and creativity in our lives. Book review – A whole New Mind – Why Right brainers will rule to future.