Change is the Law of life….

Change is the law of life… learn more in your Awesome April MindStore update.
Read about the Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs. Take note of inspiring quotes that you can use daily to motivate and inspire you and your colleagues, family and friends.Discover how to take control of our lives, look to the future and grow.

Embrace 2013

Like the Sydney fireworks theme “EMBRACE” discover how to embrace the opportunities and challenges that 2013 will bring.
•the moment
•the possibilities
•new ideas
•change and opportunities
•the potential that tommorrow holds

Also see book of the month: Winning Attitudes. full of sports wisdom on positive attitude from aussie sports stars.

August 2012 Newsletter

Would you like to know Googles Secret for Managing Stress?
If so read on to find out how a Google collaboration with Daniel Goleman author of Emotional Intelligence, lead to a series of short courses to manage stress by taking time for reflection and thoughtfulness.

January 2011 Newsletter

Welcome to your first newsletter of 2011 and the New Decade.
Last month you will remember we discussed Goal setting for the New Year and New Decade. This month we discover we need Desire,Belief and Expectation to succeed with our goals.
Feel free to forward this to anyone you feel will benefit from reading it.
Damian and the MindStore Australia team