Change is the Law of Life…

JF Kennedy said “Change is the law of life, and those who only look to the past or present and certain to miss the future” This reminded me comments from the recently published Challenge of Change- the 2015 Intergenerational Report** In the report it talks extensively about change, how organisations leaders need to build resilience and flexibility into organisational strategies and …

Are you too busy to make time for yourself?

This is a busy time of the year for everyone personally and in business. However learn from the picture above. Unlike the jolly guy in the red suit above, always take your time, look out and be prepared mentally and physically for any unexpected events! As the holiday season approaches like a jet plane!, we find ourselves reflecting on the …

Mental Rehearsal- The Secret of Success

Mental Rehearsal the Secret of Success Mental rehearsal is the secret to success in your personal life, and career. With the fantastic Commonwealth Games from Glasgow there have been numerous images of the competitors closing there eyes just before their event. This is not out of fear like we might, or to pray, it is a specific tool they use …

A Positive Attitude.. Changes Everything

A Positive Attitude…. Changes Everything Welcome to our delayed July Newsletter. Last month was about taking TIME OUT. This month we focus on our Attitude and deciding to make it a positve one. Trust you wil take 5 minutes TIME OUT to read this and THINK about how you can decide to be more positive in your thoughts, language and …

Why MindStore Works… It seems it only works!

Why MindStore Works…It Seems It Only Works!

The basis of the article is that recent discoveries from scientists back up the approaches that we take in MindStore. In particular there has been a discovery of a part of the brain that develops after childhood that in effect inhibits us from “letting go and unleashing our creativity”