What future are you creating and how will it change you?

” The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found but made and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.” John H Schaar     This quote is fantastic for this time of year when we are thinking and setting out on …

They can, because they think they can

  Most of us are familiar with this quote from Henry Ford. Recently I researched this more and found out that its root might be from the old Latin motto: “Possunt quia posse videntur.”                    They can, because they think they can. I was reminded of this quote during the last week spending …

Change is the Law of Life…

JF Kennedy said “Change is the law of life, and those who only look to the past or present and certain to miss the future” This reminded me comments from the recently published Challenge of Change- the 2015 Intergenerational Report** In the report it talks extensively about change, how organisations leaders need to build resilience and flexibility into organisational strategies and …

Change is the Law of life….

Change is the law of life… learn more in your Awesome April MindStore update.
Read about the Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs. Take note of inspiring quotes that you can use daily to motivate and inspire you and your colleagues, family and friends.Discover how to take control of our lives, look to the future and grow.

September 2012

Be inspired by the Paralympics and Oscar Pistorious “Blade Runner”
Find out about ways to overcome our own challenges with MindStores mental tools and techniques.
Enjoy reading this short monthly newsletter from MindStore.

August 2012 Newsletter

Would you like to know Googles Secret for Managing Stress?
If so read on to find out how a Google collaboration with Daniel Goleman author of Emotional Intelligence, lead to a series of short courses to manage stress by taking time for reflection and thoughtfulness.