New thinking tools for the new Financial Year?

What an exciting time July is here at MindStore Training. The new financial year for organisations and its leaders is a bit like our Scottish Hogmanay I think. A time to reflect and think about last years achievements and then discover some Resilience tips to make the next financial year even better. After being asked for a long time we have started a …

Are you too Busy to Improve?

As you may remember our last update focused on the power of Mental Rehersal for Performance Improvement. Using mental tools to improve performance from Ordinary to Extraordinary. This time we continue by focusing on another Ordinary guy born in London in 1950 who has gone on to do some Extraordinary things. You may have heard of him! Thank you for making …

August 2012 Newsletter

Would you like to know Googles Secret for Managing Stress?
If so read on to find out how a Google collaboration with Daniel Goleman author of Emotional Intelligence, lead to a series of short courses to manage stress by taking time for reflection and thoughtfulness.

April 2012 Newsletter

Welcome Following on from last months newsletter which was all about mental fitness in surfing, this month we look at the 2012 London Olympic preparations and how we can all learn from Olympic Champions.  We know they have a range of coaches for physical and mental elements of their preperation. The mental coaches share with them tools for mental resilience, unquestioning …

March 2012 Newsletter

Welcome Welcome to all our new newsletter members. I was priviliged to meet a number of positive, inspiring people at the February Gold Coast Combined Chamber of Commerce and Logan Chamber of Commerce events. Following on from last months newsletter which was all about getting fit, this month we focus on mental fitness in surfing and how it relates to …