Are you too Busy to Improve?

As you may remember our last update focused on the power of Mental Rehersal for Performance Improvement. Using mental tools to improve performance from Ordinary to Extraordinary. This time we continue by focusing on another Ordinary guy born in London in 1950 who has gone on to do some Extraordinary things. You may have heard of him! Thank you for making …

Think … before saying Yes to a meeting request

Many of you will remember that last month was about great quotes to inspire Innovation. This months thought is about being Mindful in May. In a short example consider making time to think about your appointments Calendar and maybe blocking out some time to THINK. Sounds radical I hear you say! Welcome also to everyone from the Miners Health and …

“Mr Watson, come here. I want to see you”

In this months MindStore Australia newsletter. Think Big, set huge goals, and have a belief in yourself. Discover how the Scottish inventor of the telephone used these attributes to overcome his challenges. Read about Happy Kids book from Stephen Coveys son. Learn why John Lennon said “happy” was what he wanted to be when he grew up.

Embrace 2013

Like the Sydney fireworks theme “EMBRACE” discover how to embrace the opportunities and challenges that 2013 will bring.
•the moment
•the possibilities
•new ideas
•change and opportunities
•the potential that tommorrow holds

Also see book of the month: Winning Attitudes. full of sports wisdom on positive attitude from aussie sports stars.

September 2012

Be inspired by the Paralympics and Oscar Pistorious “Blade Runner”
Find out about ways to overcome our own challenges with MindStores mental tools and techniques.
Enjoy reading this short monthly newsletter from MindStore.

August 2012 Newsletter

Would you like to know Googles Secret for Managing Stress?
If so read on to find out how a Google collaboration with Daniel Goleman author of Emotional Intelligence, lead to a series of short courses to manage stress by taking time for reflection and thoughtfulness.