Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass….

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass….

Last month was about Embracing 2013 along with its changes and challenges. Little did we expect the challenges that ex tropical cyclone Oswald unleashed last week!

Our thoughts are with all of those individuals and organisations affected by the storms and hope that they can muster the strong positive mental attitute we all have in us to go forward tackling the challenges faced.

Thanks for making time out to read this. We always endeavour to make it motivational and give you some food for thought.

Have a fabulous February from Damian and the team at MindStore Australia

Ex tropical cyclone Oswald was pounding our roof, lashing our windows and snapping trees all around us. Amongst this I was reminded of the above quote from Vivan Greene.

We can choose our attitude we can have negative thoughts like: what a waste of the Australia Day holiday weekend, “being stuck in the house or we can choose to have a more positive grateful attitude ” we needed this rain” or ” with the power off I have to think of imaginative ways to entertain the kids without TV or Xbox”

Everything in life requires us to have the correct attitude.

Take 2m 45 seconds to watch this youtube clip of the appropriately named poem “Weather Report” by BJ Gallagher.

A final thought………..

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it” Henry Ford

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