Minds are like parachute’s…..

“Minds are like parachutes… they only function when open!”

This quote comes from Thomas Dewar the Scotch whisky distiller.

Think about it, if we go through our day into meetings or training with a closed mind then our minds are as useful to us a parachute that won’t open at 3ooo feet.

Remember the phrase “you don’t know, what you don’t know”

Be open to new ideas, new suggestions, new ways to do things.

This month our focus should be on going forward into the new Financial Year with a new sense of
optimism, open-mindedness and clarity for your organisations goals and vision.

So open your mind to some new thinking and remind yourself of some useful Resilience tips below.


Resilience Tips:

  • Respond to change with confidence & flexibility

  • Don’t sweat the small stuff, Perform well with the big stuff

  • Recover from setbacks and move on.

This morning I noticed how windy it was today and that the palm trees next door just flex with the wind, whereas the larger trees creaked and strained as they resisted the wind gusts. This got me thinking about Resilience.

If you think back to the media coverage of recent Cyclone Debbie, you will remember seeing the images of  homes ripped off their foundations and tall gum trees snapped out of the ground like twigs leaving just the palm trees in the front yards.



It made me think that we can sometimes behave like the homes or gum trees. We attempt to weather the winds of change, to be inflexible to changes and to resist them with all our energy, until it is too much for us and we break.



Why put ourselves through this stress?

Think for a moment about natures palm trees and how they adapt to the changing winds. Once the winds abate they just pop right up straight again and continue to flourish.

So when you are faced with unexpected Cyclone winds, that destroy your confidence and force challenging situations on to you.

Remember  these simple tips:

  • Be like a parachute, open your mind, then flexibly adapt to the changes around you & be like a palm tree

  • Stay optimistic, visualise what you want, not what you don’t want

  • Develop the belief and confidence in yourself that you can solve these challenges or problems

  • Instead of focusing on tasks that seem unachievable, ask yourself, “What’s one thing I know I can accomplish today that helps me move in the direction I want to go?”

Einstein said “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

So if your current approach to a situation no longer works, discover how to think differently.

Being Resilient gives you the ability to quickly adjust your actions and respond with confidence to the new situation.

As we kick start the new financial year, lets make the time and financial commitments to learn and develop ourselves, our colleagues and our teams. Learn and utilise some of MindStore’s effective Resilience tools and techniques.

To find out how our services could be of benefit in your organisation please contact us to arrange a conversation.

Have a Marvellous July!

Comments 2

  1. Love your site! There’s nothing like having a quick place to go to find much needed inspiration. My wish is that you never stop sharing the enlightenment!

    1. Post

      Good morning Peter,
      Thank you for your comment and please accept my apologies for such a delayed response from me. Your comment slipped through and was not picked up until today.
      I am delighted you find inspiration in our wee posts. Feel free to get in-touch if I can help you in a more specific way
      Have a fantastic day
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