Is your mind like a Parachute?

Thomas Dewar the Scottish whiskey baron had a fantastic quote, he said “Our minds are like parachutes they only function when open”       Think about this, how many people do you know personally and professionally who have closed minds? Closed to change, closed to new ideas, closed to other opinions, closed to doing things differently. Closed-mindedness or unwillingness …

MindStore helps you to make oyur dreams come true.

Easters over what now?

Our last update was well received and many comments came back regarding Billy Connollys mindset over coming challenges and going from Ordinary to Extraordinary. This time we turn our thoughts to Easter and Walt Disney. EASTERS OVER WHAT NOW? Do you remember when the first easter eggs appeared on the shelves? I saw some before Australia Day! My kids have …

Your thoughts and Self Talk determine how you overcome challenges

As you may remember our last update focused as many people do on Goals to kick off 2015. As we go through February lets learn some tips to stay positive and focused on our goals. Thank you for making the time to read this, and I encourage you to look into our mental tools for improving performance for you personally and …

New Year New You!

New Year New You! Happy New Year to you! or as we say in Scotland “A Guid New Year tae ana an aw, an mony may ye see!” Think Billy Connolly’s voice and you will have the accent right. Make this your year for Personal Growth. Demand more of yourself and motivate yourself with a set of clearly written inspiring goals. Click …