The Health & Wellbeing Issue

Do you believe that the phrase “Prevention is better than cure” is relevant today in relation to Stress? Absolutely, more and more people and businesses are turning to the idea that Stress prevention programs are a much better to support people than attempting to provide a cure. Training around mediation and mindfulness are just two popular and effective ways to more effectively …

New Year New You!

New Year New You! Happy New Year to you! or as we say in Scotland “A Guid New Year tae ana an aw, an mony may ye see!” Think Billy Connolly’s voice and you will have the accent right. Make this your year for Personal Growth. Demand more of yourself and motivate yourself with a set of clearly written inspiring goals. Click …

Extraordinary Goal Setting Final day with MindStore

  Day Four Final Day Welcome to the final day of this MindStore Goals Setting and Achieving Workshop. I trust you have successfully carried out the previous stages. I like to call this Extraordinary Goal Setting because it’s certainly not your Ordinary Goal Setting process. Ordinary Goal setting that you may have been shown previously at work or read books …

Goal Setting and Achieving workshop part three from MindStore

  DAY THREE Welcome to Day three of the process. I trust you enjoyed working through parts 1 and 2. Really enjoy today it’s a time for you to play with your imagination. The part of brain that most adults don’t get a chance to play with often enough. We live in a left brain dominant world, focused on logical, …